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Hosta 101

Hosta 101

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 3 of Hosta Divisions

We had purchased three more multi-node hostas, from various nurseries. White Christmas, Mauii Pineapple and Stained Glass. Today we did our usual procedure: Knocked as much dirt off the rootball as can carefully be done, and then gently hosed off the rest of the medium until all three hostas appeared bareroot before us, like so many babies ready for their diaper change.

Here they are, just out of their pots, obviously and gloriously root-bound. White Christmas to the left, Mauii Pineapple (with a healthy spire) and Stained Glass at right. With gentle hosing, all of the roots can be unwound without root loss, and you will see below the wonderfully healthy root balls each hosta has.

The dirt has been knocked off. Now it's time for the shower.

Next, follows the delicate wiggling, cutting, and gently pulling apart the individual nodes, with as many roots attached to each, as humanly possible.

Here they are, potted up, and placed in the woods: 10 White Christman, 5 Stained Glass, and 3 Mauii Pineapple. A total of 18 cultivars, from 3 mother plants - a reproduction ratio of 6:1

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